Inspiration and Choice
When we feel inspired to do or achieve something, we go for it. If we’re not sure that it’s real inspiration, we let it sit for a while. The truth is relentless. If we are meant to do something, it will revisit our mind again and again. This constant revisiting is the way we make change in our life. We get an idea, and then it grows grander until we finally act on it. For example, if we currently own a car, it was something we once dreamt of having. As time passed, it grew closer to manifesting, and eventually it did. What we think about is what manifests. There is always a first thought. What we do with that thought determines whether or not it will manifest. That seemingly fleeting thought is actually our inspiration.
It is inspiration that appears from thin air. We’re out eating pizza because we had a hankering for pizza. Where does that thought come from? We will learn about the infinite world of possibilities in Part III. For now, wherever it comes from, it is ours, and we have the choice to act on it or not.
The word choice requires further investigation. Our choices are based on our beliefs. Our beliefs are based on our programming and life experience. We must first become consciously aware of how we are subconsciously thinking. When we get good at seeing what lives within us subconsciously, we become masters at creating a different life. Our awareness will be the catalyst for change. And we are about to become aware.
If we don’t do this work, who will? No one else can gather the courage to do what needs to be done in our lives. We are either going to get dragged through life or move through willingly. Learn to adjust to change. After all, change is the one thing that is certain. It has always been happening and will continue to happen. It cares not if we like it or are along for the ride. It’s coming anyway.
We all have a natural breaking point, a place where we say, That’s enough. Like a winter iceberg slowly melting, eventually a piece falls free and floats away. Over time, it will simply be more ocean water. It is still something; it is just no longer the iceberg. Do we see that we have been slowly melting? We are floating away from who we once were. We are ready to become something so much more—the ocean. We have a threshold. Once we pass through, we can no longer return to the way it was. The place our mind wants to take us is new and unfamiliar, so we hang on to the old. It feels secure; even if it is sick and unhealthy, at least it is predictable. When we have finally had enough, we will be willing to let go.
It is the holding on when we could be letting go that is causing our suffering.
It is our thought about the change, not the actual change, that is causing our suffering.
It is what we do with that thought, not the actual thought, that is causing our suffering.
It is our perception of not knowing how and why, not the actual how and why, that is causing our suffering.
We have free will, and we can choose to change!
“It is our thought about the change, not the actual change, that is causing our suffering.”
“It is our thought about the change, not the actual change, that is causing our suffering.”
Wow!!! amazing insight! Thanks for sharing your wisdom :).
Thanks for coming to read. I still catch myself “thinking” myself out of change. 🙂
“It is what we do with that thought, not the actual thought, that is causing our suffering.”
I meant to re-quote two different ones, not repeat one twice haha, I re-read my comment and saw my mistake. Thanks again for this!!!