Thank you dad …

~ 1972
Thank you dad …
It’s nice that the memories get sweeter with time. I am still learning to appreciate life while it’s happening.
Thank you for our beautiful home. I didn’t appreciate it until I had my own to take care of.
Thank you for fun summer days swimming and diving for coins. I didn’t realize how hard it must have been to accommodate six kids.
Thank you for teaching me about the two most important things in life:
“People and H.E.L.P.”
I cannot tell you how often I quote you to my children. I couldn’t see your wisdom then, but I sure feel it now. Thank you for saying it even though it fell on dormant ears.
Thank you for our big beautiful family. Even though we are spread far across the country I love them dearly. They have given me immeasurable gifts. On days like today I want one more summer at ‘5012 Ocean View’.
Thank you for teaching me about addiction. When I looked at me and felt what it was like to be you—I realized I needed to change.
I wouldn’t have chosen sobriety today without living in your drunkenness. I wouldn’t have remained sober without witnessing your recovery.
In the long run you gave me the best gift of all—my life with my children, unaltered on booze and drugs.
And my sweet mom—you are the biggest blessing of all. I want to be more like you every day. Thanks for teaching me that I can weather the tough times. Beauty will live on, if I let it, and tough moments pass.
With love, Lisa
A beautiful tribute~
Thanks darling. How was your “event” … thought about you this weekend. ♥
Beatufiul piece of gratitude. I called my parents yesterday with the same tribute in mind. This is wonderful. I love the old 70s pictures too. There’s something instantly more authentic to them than these new doctored photographs floating around. Thank you Lisa.
I hear you Mark. This was one of the photos my dad kept in in wallet. (Back when we did these sorts of things.) It’s heartwarming to open the box of his odd trinkets and look through them every now and again. Seems a different lifetime that we were all so small.
And you, you’re on fire on the internet these days. Where don’t I see your name? ♥♥ Lis
Love this. Makes me want to be the kind of parents you’re talking about in you’re post. Thank you for sharing this.
Reading your blog, watching you grow … You’re giving so much to everyone. It inspires me to watch new gals start blogging and then see the transformation over time as they remain sober. Seems we all have our core group of bloggers that we got sober with. Some of us have stayed, some not. It’s fun watching you stay. While I don’t comment on most of what I read, I follow many and am humbled every time by the journey traveled. The convergence of alone-ness as we type and the miracle of friendship as the world reads. We heal as we reach out for knowledge and the world reaches back. Looking forward to watching us both grow into amazing parents.
Your standing in your truth, and not the lies and sadness of fear.
While ever your doing that, you are giving your love to you and creating a life of happiness 🙂
Remember the past, for those memories had great impact, but do not live within them or you will always be reactive to this world.
Look forward and create what you want to be, in your heart of hearts, and it will free you. And you do have a big heart 🙂 Namaste
I just got home from a run whilst I listened to an abundance guided imagery meditation. I was saying these exact words. I absolutely Love when the Universe show up for me like this. Thank you for your kindness. I shall keep my eyes forward. ♥
Wow! Powerful words! I needed to read them… Thank you for the inspiration, for opening us to a world of love and forgiveness ☺
It has taken me until this week to realize I am unsubscribed from your blog. What happened? Enough said… thank you for your ever continued support of Sober Identity both here and on FB. I’m jumping over right now to reconnect. Love, love and more Love.
I hadn’t even noticed… You are most kind Lisa! I do find myself struggling to find time to like instagram Facebook and WordPress but I make a point to “pop in” every so often…
Best wishes for a beautiful summer!