Finding our way — Not an excuse

Lisa Today I am sharing a book review by Lee Davy on Sober Identity: Tools for Reprogramming the Addictive Mind. While the majority of my commenting readers are sober, many readers that show up on these pages are not. My hope is that you will read this review and find some hope.

We all enter our first sober days with trepidation.

Note: Sobriety is like any other major life change. It requires consistent effort put forth, to maintain momentum and growth. It’s not a onetime decision to get sober. It’s daily, if not hourly (or even moment to moment) commitment to something that is totally unfamiliar. Something that others are telling us is wonderful, yet we have no reference point for choosing.

Sober Identity is one resource for learning about self. There are many wonderful books and blogs that support sobriety. Every blog I read helps me maintain and grow, even the alcoholics who are struggling. I find great courage in their ability to share those deepest of secrets.

Like everything in life, we find our people, not an excuse.

Thank you Lee for the review. I share your words as a testament to our ever blossoming recovery community. I’m blessed to be part of it.

Read more about Lee:

Lee Davy

Needy Helper


7 Responses to “Finding our way — Not an excuse

  • “If you want to do it, you will find a way. If you don’t want to do it, you will find an excuse.” It used to drive me NUTS when my mother (getting her 43-year sobriety medallion next week!) would tell me that, especially during my difficult adolescent years when she was newly-sober.

    It drove me even nuts-er to hear it from my sponsor when I began living the Steps. Dammit, I didn’t want to hear that, I wanted instructions to follow, so that when it didn’t work there’d be someone/thing ELSE to blame…

    The instructions were there, in a big blue book. And I finally, finally, wanted to live sane badly enough to find a way to follow them.

    A big chunk of the value of what you do, Lisa, aside from your writing skills and the humanity that gleams from every post, every comment, every page of the book, is hold up the lens that allows people to view what they really want, and how badly they want it, by presenting the picture of what is possible.

    • Happy Birthday to your mom — 43 years — can she even remember her drinking days? So impressive. My deepest respect to her and the women like her. They really paved the way for the rest of us. I’m indebted. Thank you for your kind words. Even though the book is written and the posts go up, I am still learning. Seems impossible how I functioned, at all, before sobriety and spiritual growth. The great thing about spiritual growth is that you don’t have to ever get anywhere other than where you are at. I continue to learn to be okay with Lisa and take action that is in alignment with my principles. Looking for excuses in any area of my life is a cop-out. It’s so nice to be free of perfectionism, whilst honoring my perfect humanness. Always a treat to see your words. xox Lisa

  • Love the review…love Sober Identity and super love the pic!

    • Aren’t you a sweetheart. It’s a nice review. Always interesting what one takes away from reading the book. Thank you for your support of this work. It’s a joy to watch life turn on when we are in recovery. I loves ya.

  • What a beautiful picture of you, Lisa! Love the review and straight forward message of hope.

    • Hope seems to find its way into every area of my life now of days. Seems sobriety set the template for what is possible and how to achieve it. My thanks for your support of this blog and my sobriety. You are a valued friend.

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