Reminder to self: I’m important too

My Life CoachMy life coach brought me my running socks and dropped them at my feet. It was the second time in as many days. This time, she was not to be dismissed. Pick up, drop, pick up, drop. At 9:10 A.M. I reasoned with her, without comprehension, that I had a 10:00 A.M. phone appointment. There was, quite simply, no time for a rum, I mean run. (However, the rum thing would have been untrue nine years ago. There was always time for rum.) Anyhow, she wasn’t taking my suggestion, “Let’s not squeeze in more,” I pleaded. She cocked her head and simply sighed. The kind of sigh that breaks you in half with indecision. It hit me, “Lisa, get out of this office, now.” I called my 10:00 o’clock and told her to call at 10:10. I told her that I had something important to take care of—me!

Why is it I let the publicity, marketing, writing, coaching, and mothering take me away from what I know to be good for me? Again, my coach reminds me I am human and therefore prone to human behavior (aka, less than perfect).

Lesson: Moving my body is as important (if not more important) and productive as tweeting.

We had a respectable run. I came back to the office satisfied, yet sweaty. My coach went straight for her water bowl. I settled into my chair and prepped for my call with 3 minutes to spare. (Good thing it wasn’t Skype.) My endorphins were high. Feeling happier than an hour ago; everyone (publicist, kids, readers, and clients) was getting the revised edition of Lisa today. She was a big improvement over the first draft. I was willing to stop for a moment and remember what was most important: Taking care of self, so I can continue to care for others. Sometimes I think my coach doesn’t charge enough. All this for a bowl of kibble and fresh chicken—nice.

No Responses to “Reminder to self: I’m important too

  • How fantastic! What a great coach you have there. Sounds like she has the whole “take time to sharpen your saw” lesson *down pat* (no pun intended). I’m glad you got out for a run! My whole attitude changes for the better with exercise, and while there are times I’ve regretted not getting out for a run, I’ve never regret a run that I did get out for. Give your coach a pat for me. 🙂

  • Lynda M O
    13 years ago

    It’s true, so very very true; if I go for a walk I am so much more productive. I am currently working just a few minute walk from my home and in five weeks I have lost ten pounds and can climb stairs without having to rest !~!

    What an endearing coach you have; my husband isn’t nearly as cute 🙂

    • Isn’t it great when we take care of self! It’s really the best feeling in the world. (And one I chased with all the wrong outlets.)Thanks too for the post.

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